Tag: <span>black & white illustration</span>

This is the first time my illustration is used in NZ! Orleans (Mouthful Restaurant Group) is running a jazz session events next 4 months, and they are using my illustrations for the posters. If you are in Auckland, check out their next session night. Here is some more details.

This is my latest experimental project. I was trying to add speed, weight and more tense scenes on the illustrations. I liked the results, the results was much heavier than my usual ink illustrations. I felt the series looks more likely cartoon rather than still illustrations. The reason behind of this experimental project is that […]

I use normal writing ink, usually I use Parker’s Quick, however unfortunately this ink is not water resistance. It means I can’t use water colour to fill illustrations. I’ve been searching a good quality water resistance ink for long time, sadly the most major water resistance inks’ textures are quite thick, with thick ink I […]