Lucid Surrender book illustrations
Client: Melinda Powell
Commissioned by Melinda Powell, I undertook the fascinating task of transforming a series of vivid, lucid dreams into intricate illustrations created with ink on paper. Melinda had conducted interviews with a diverse group of individuals, meticulously documenting their dream experiences in written form. My role was to bring these dreams to life visually—a unique and challenging endeavor.
Without any direct visual references to rely on, I had to tap into my own imagination to interpret and depict the dreamscapes as described by the participants. Each dream presented a new narrative, filled with abstract concepts and surreal elements, pushing the boundaries of my creativity. This process offered me an invaluable opportunity to explore the depths of artistic interpretation and storytelling through imagery. It was a truly eye-opening experience that deepened my appreciation for the complexity and richness of human dreams.
The book Lucid Surrender:The Alchemy of the Soul in Lucid Dreaming is available at Waterstones.